NHS Constitution for England

The NHS constitution for England is a formal constitution which, in one document, lays down the objectives of the National Health Service (or NHS), the rights and responsibilities of the various parties involved in health care in England, (patients, staff, trust boards) and the guiding principles which govern the service.[1] First published on 21 January 2009 it was one of a number of recommendations in Lord Darzi’s report ‘High Quality Care for All’ as part of a ten-year plan to provide the highest quality of care and service for patients in England.[2] Previously these rights and responsibilities had evolved in common law or through UK or EU law, or were policy pledges by the NHS and government have now been written into the constitution.

The NHS grants patients rights which are intended to be legally enforceable and also makes other non-binding pledges. These are in the areas of access; quality of care and encvironment; access to treatments, medicines and screening programmes; Respect, consent and confidentiality; informed choice; patient involvement in healthcare and public involvemenst in the NHS; and complaints and redress.

The Constitution is a fairly brief document that is written in plain terms and is simple to understand. Accompanying the constitution is a handbook which gives more information to patients and staff about the constitution, a statement of NHS accountability gives a clear account of the NHS system of accountability and responsibility.


Guiding principles

In summary, the guiding principles of the NHS are that

The NHS grants patients rights which are intended to be legally enforceable and also makes other non-binding pledges. These are in the areas of access; quality of care and encvironment; access to treatments, medicines and screening programmes; Respect, consent and confidentiality; informed choice; patient involvement in healthcare and public involvemenst in the NHS; and complaints and redress.

Access to Health Care

The constitution defines RIGHTS regarding access to health care which will be

The NHS also make pledges that access to health care will be convenient and easy to access within defined waiting times; based on decision making that will be clear and transparent, and that transfers from one provider to another will be as smooth as possible and that patients will be involved in all relevant discussions.

Quality of Care and Environment

The constitution defines RIGHTS regarding qualilty of care and environment as follows

add pledges that services will be provided in a clean and safe environment that is fit for purpose, based on national best practice and that there will be a continuous improvement in the quality of services, identifying and sharing best practice.

Approved treatments, drugs and programmes

The constitution defines rights regarding approved treatments, drugs and programmes. Patients have the right to

and pledges to provide screening programmes as recommended by the UK National Screening Committee.

Respect, consent and confidentiality

With regard to RIGHTS regarding Respect, consent and confidentiality the NHS constitution gives patients the right to

and pledges that it will share with patients any letters sent between clinicians about their care.

Informed Choice

Patients are given rights under the constitution in relation to informed choice including the right to

The NHS also pledges to inform patients about the healthcare services available locally and nationally and will offer easily accessible, reliable and relevant information to enable patients to participate fully in their own healthcare decisions and to support them in making choices. This includes information on the quality of clinical services where there is robust and accurate information available.

Involvement in one's own health care and in the NHS

The NHS recognized fully that the population has RIGHTS regarding Involvement in their own health care and in the NHS. There are rights to

The NHS also pledges to provide the information needed for the people to influence and scrutinise the planning and delivery of NHS services and to work in partnership with patients, their family, carers and their representatives. It also pledges continuous improvement in the quality of services provided, identifying and sharing best practice in quality of care and treatments.

Rights of redress

When complaining or seeking redress, patients are given RIGHTS to

The NHS also pledges to ensure patients are treated with courtesy and receive appropriate support throughout the handling of a complaint, and the fact that they have made a complaint will not adversely affect their future treatment. When mistakes happen, the NHS promises to acknowledge them, apologise, explain what went wrong and put things right quickly and effectively. It promises that the organisation will learn lessons from complaints and will use them to improve NHS services.


  1. ^ http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_093419 NHS Constitution for England
  2. ^ Sourced from the National Archives
  3. ^ In practice, the vast majority of drugs and treatments are available through the NHS but have NOT been explicitly approved by NICE or local NHS management but usage is simply accepted medical practice. This statement makes it clear that NICE decisions rule nationally and overrides local NHS management and in the absence of other guidance from local NHS management then responsibility lies with the doctor and patient together. NICE was originally established to guide national policy where there were significant differences of opinion between the different local NHS organizations over certain drugs and treatments – the so called postcode lottery, but local managements have generally had powers over budgets and coverage in their local area.

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